Women In Leadership

What gives Women Leaders “the”  Edge? One important factor: Our inherent DNA!

We are organically equipped with superior multi-tasking skills, the ability to influence, ‘negotiate rather than dominate’ and the desire to support each other in a purposeful way.  Women champion collaboration and connection to facilitate creativity, interaction and most of all, impact.

Women-owned businesses now represent an incredible 36% of all businesses! 1 out of 5 businesses with revenue of $1mm plus are female owned, supplying 8.9 million jobs!

The challenge…what does a high growth female Leader, or a start-up Entrepreneur need to grow and ignite the full potential of their team or company?

The answerMy Services! I can customize a dynamic Plan for team empowerment, expedite the learning curve and inspire optimum career track success for any stage of your business!

What impact are innovative Millennial(s) and Women of Color playing in this groundswell of business momentum?

Millennials are the most represented generation in the workforce at 53%!  What they do and what they believe matters, as it’s going to drive the next few decades of business development. Start-ups represent 50% of all jobs created. They drive innovation and contribute positively to local economies.

African American women’s rate of starting businesses was nearly 7 times as high as their white counterparts and Hispanic women nearly 9 times as high. Latino female business owners account for 20%!

Female Entrepreneurs use Accelerators, Boot camps, Connector organizations and Leadership training to guide each other towards success. Women’s appetites as entrepreneurs are at an all-time high.

During my career I have struggled, survived and thrived through mega Leadership challenges.  Contact me for a Complimentary Consultation, so that I may share my lessons and PASSION by advising your existing and future female Leaders!

We hope you will be enticed to also join our advisory boards, such as  ‘Leadership Masterminds’ or ‘Ask The Expert’ panels to BOOST your business IQ!